Becoming More Eco-Friendly.
Sometime over the past year, I started taking the “go-green” initiative more serious. I know, a year is such a short time considering that we have had environmental issues going on for so long but you have to start somewhere, right? There are countless ways in which we can make a change in the world to lessen our ecological footprints. I am taking steps each and every day to work toward a better and healthier planet.
Reusable Bottle/Cups.
My first reusable water bottle that I bought with the intent to stray away from single use was a Cheeky Go stainless steel bottle. From there, I have bought a variety of different reusable cups. I have a couple from Starbucks, a few random cups for iced drinks, a tumbler, and a cute glass bottle from Sand Cloud. I couldn’t help myself once I started 🙂 .
Reusable Straws.

I am a BIG advocate of reusable straws, metal reusable straws. Paper straws, they are better than plastic, although they still cause harm to the environment… the paper ends up in landfills and continuously builds up. I have my metal straws in my pocketbook so I have access to them whenever I am out to eat. It is a bit of a pain to have to bring them home and wash them but it is worth the hassle. I purchased mine from Sand Cloud with my discount code, SAMANTHAA898, and I got 25% off! Yes, that was a plug but it also saved me money so I don’t care! They have straight and bent ones that come in either silver or rainbow. I absolutely love my reusable straws.
Reusable Bags.
This is one of the hardest ones for me. I forget the bags in my car after I already start shopping. I will tend to bring the bags in the house and next time, I don’t bring them back out to my car.
I will try to bring them for whatever shopping I am doing but grocery shopping can be a HASSLE. Am I wrong? It will way down the bag SO much when I get heavy items. Whether it be milk, juice, soda… it’s just so nerve wrecking not knowing if my bag is going to break. It also makes me feel that I need to go more often because to bring several bags, it gets to be a lot. This is not impossible, just one of the more “challenging” ones for me.
Switch Products.

Being in a plastic conscience world, there are MANY alternatives to the companies that have not yet branched out to become eco-friendly just yet. Sand Cloud, Wholesome Culture, TOMS, Pela Case are just a few of the companies that I purchase from that help make a difference in the world and have a core value of sustainability. And yes, I am an ambassador for three of those four companies… coincidence? I don’t know… 🙂
Not just companies but everyday products too can become a source of sustainability. Bamboo toothbrushes are better off than plastic ones because they are made to be entirely degradable. As mentioned, reusable cups/straws and bags are of course a great alternative! Those are just a COUPLE of the many alternatives.
Eating More Plant Based.

I am no vegetarian… I have been raised eating meat and it would be hard for me to transition to a lifestyle that cuts that out. Although I do try to eat less meat than I normally would. I will opt out of a meat option when going certain places because I know they have meatless options I really enjoy. Sometimes I even try to go a full day of cutting it out, a couple times a week. It may not be 100% but it is something that can help make an impact!

I admit, I am not plastic FREE but I try my best! When I am not able to ditch the plastic, I be sure to leave it to the recycling bin. Unless it’s just me but sometimes it’s also hard to know what is recyclable and what isn’t… not all products are labeled and not all plastic is recyclable, believe it or not. I have always been one to recycle, but I have became more serious about it through this process.
There are many other ways in which we can help the planet. Thrifting, taking shorter showers, composting, driving less/walking more but we may not be able to do it all. Just by taking little steps, focusing on just a few of these ways can help create the change we need to see. This isn’t everyone’s lifestyle and I totally understand that but I strive to make a change in my life to see change in the world!
Check what your ecological footprint is HERE! I thought this was interesting so I wanted to pass it on. I did it for myself some time ago, and I believe it was part of the push that I needed to transition to a slightly different lifestyle. Share your results with me in a comment below!
Also here are the links for my discount codes, if you guys are interested in shopping with:
Wholesome Culture
Sand Cloud
Pela Case
See ya,
Samm 🌻