Birthday In Quarantine.
“It’s my birthday*, and I’ll cry if I want to!” Okay, that’s a little dramatic but a birthday during quarantine… booooo!
I’ve been pretty good throughout all of this. Overall good moods, no crazy urges of boredom, basically the same as usual. So for my birthday, I was just about the same, minus some work I had to take care of. I know for some people it must be a little tougher because they are use to going out and making their birthday a BIG day, I am really sorry for any of you! I hope anyone else that has a birthday during this time can make the best of it. Just remember, there is always next year, this is not your last birthday! So taking this year to make it a little more relaxing, maybe isn’t so bad!
You might not agree with me but I’m just trying to look on the bright side for everyone! ☼
Lately, I have been in such a city mood, which I think is due to the fact that NO ONE is there BUT still want to go regardless! Once all of this is over and I can leave the house for more than just grocery shopping, that is where I am spending my birthday for a day. It can be months from now and that day will be my birthday! Since that is the case… what did I do for my actual birthday?
For starters, I worked my regular 9-5 shift 🙂 . I have been working from home these past weeks due to the virus so this was no different. I would’ve been going in anyway but I think the fact of not having to be a functioning human by driving and getting dressed… it made it a little sweeter. It was another day in sweats and bumming out but that was just what I needed! Not going to lie, I stressed out A LOT that day. Not an ideal day to be stressing over work but you can’t plan these things.

I got past it and went on with my night! I had pizza, a Carvel cake and rented a movie! It’s like I was reliving a childhood birthday, but no complaints about it! My big thing for “my day” was that I wanted to watch Trolls 2. I rented it off Fandango Now, grabbed some snacks and relaxed. I LOVE the first Trolls so I was really excited to see this one.

Although this was like any other day watching movies at home during quarantine, this still felt a little more eventful since I don’t often rent movies. I will tell you though… it was not worth the rental. Even if I know that others aren’t too fond of a movie or whatever, I need to know for myself, and I sure found out for myself. I’m not saying it was bad but it just did not live up to the first one. Definitely see it if you have intentions to see it, that’s just my opinion!

I also had to be sure that I got a cute birthday picture, which (I think) I did 🙂 . BUT just days before, I realized I didn’t have any birthday props… hmm, what to do? A friend from high school had a birthday just days before and I saw that she had the number balloons. Since there aren’t many places open during this time, it seemed very limited so I felt I should reach out! Since her birthday was obviously over that day, she offered them to me. What a nice surprise that was! Thanks, girl ♡ And truly that made the picture THAT much better. That wasn’t enough though and I remembered the confetti I had in my drawer, from who knows what? It made a nice addition and it resulted with the picture above 🙂 .
Over the past few years I haven’t done anything outrageous for my birthday. But this year, I turn 25 on a FRIDAY and I wanted to do something fun! I have been alive for a quarter of a century… two and a half decades… AND my metabolism is supposed to begin failing me, that is all so CRAZY! Well, to me at least. Like I said though, there is always next year and plus then it will be a Saturday so it’s not the worst situation!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs! It means so much to me to know that people enjoy something that I do ♡
See ya,
Samm 🌻
My Canceled/Postponed 2020 Plans. – The Life of Sammiiejayyy
[…] not canceled! Yes, I did some birthday things day of, if you want to see what I did, check out my Birthday In Quarantine blog 🙂 . I plan to have my city day and my mom and I have some plans of our own to celebrate when […]
15 . May . 2020