Drive-In With A View of the NYC Skyline.
On Friday night, Keith and I drove into Brooklyn for a drive-in movie. This is our third drive-in movie experience and it was the best one yet. A few weeks ago Keith bought these tickets and showed me pictures of where we would be. This did not, did NOT do the Skyline Drive-In NYC the justice it deserved.

The movie started at 8:30pm so we decided to make a little bit of a day out of it. We decided to head to Brooklyn early, take some pictures, get a bite to eat and also visit the famous Washington Street DUMBO spot. As someone that enjoys getting those Insta worthy shots, I needed one at one of the most Instagrammable places in the city.

After we enjoyed our time in DUMBO, we headed over to the movie. We got there around 8ish and there were many cars already there. This place can hold MANY cars and directly in front of the screens they have a setup of chairs. I think that is nice in case some people would rather get this cinematic experience right up front. There are two big screens, giant speakers but also the option to tune into a radio station to get better audio, in case you aren’t by the speakers. If I can emphasize anything about Skyline Drive-In NYC, GET THERE EARLY. The movie started at 8:30pm SHARP and there are no trailers to come in the middle of.

They put us on the very end of the aisle, which was perfect. We were by a speaker, we were right near the water and we were basically right in the middle of the food vendor and the bathrooms. The movie of the night was Back To The Future II, which was great because it’s an amazing movie but we both have seen it so if we wanted to go to the bathroom or get some food we didn’t have to worry about missing a thing.
You may think this is just like any other drive-in but truly the view made it that much more worth it. Looking out to see all the lights that make New York City shine just adds that much more to the event. If you have not yet attended a drive-in, I suggest making this your first! Even if you have been to one, GO! 🙂 If you are within the vicinity of Brooklyn, I would absolutely recommend checking this out for yourself.

Since it is also days leading up to 9/11, there was a clear view of the Tribute in Lights beaming up from the World Trade Center. For one, I did not know they did this leading up to the day of, I thought they just had the lights on each year the day of 9/11. Also, I’m glad to see they decided to actually go forth and have them shine. We love that 🙂 .
When leaving, they try to get you out ASAP because they might have another movie playing right after. I dont know if they do that each night but that was the case for us. They try to get you out of there as organized and effortlessly as possible. Wait your turn to leave your spot and follow the line of cars to the exit. There were people starting to move their cars when they felt they wanted to leave but this caused more of a backup. So just be patient!
If you get the chance to go, let me know! I would love to know what you thought and your experience!
See ya,
Samm 🌻