Get To Know Me Tag.
I have been seeing many Youtubers doing this “get to know me tag” challenge and I thought, why not give it a go? I know when I watch my fave Youtubers and influencers I wonder things about them that they may not have shared before. I don’t know if you guys are interested in learning a little more about me but if so here you go and if not, check out some of my other blog posts 😛 . But on that note, here we go!
1. Where did you grow up?
Franklin Square, New York.
2. Where do you currently live?
Franklin Square, New York.
3. How tall are you?
5’4 .
4. Dogs or Cats?
I’m a true cat lady… sorry, not sorry!
5. Funniest moment throughout high school?
I would more so say this is the first thing that comes to mind rather than funniest or ongoing BUT you know how you give one fact about yourself that no one knows? Typical teacher things… well, I told the call my middle name and I said how I didn’t really like it because it’s an old lady’s name, forgetting that two seats over was a girl with that name. I looked over and saw her glaring at me and all I could say was “ooops”. I couldn’t change my opinion, it may be my middle name but I can still feel it’s ugly. I don’t know how the girl felt about me going forward but in the moment it was pretty funny to me and the class.
6. What year were you born?
7. Are you in/have you gone to college?
Yes, I have.
8. What is your favorite drink?
Probably Mountain Dew.
9. What is your spirit animal and why?
Hummingbird. Key elements that describe a hummingbird are lightness of being, enjoyment of life, being more present, independence, bringing playfulness and joy in your life, lifting up negativity, swiftness, ability to respond quickly, resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly. I feel these qualities are a pretty accurate depiction of how I can be described.
10. You’re wearing perfume, what scent is it?
Actual perfume, Alien by Mugler but these days I’m more so using an essential oil as a perfume so in that case, Peace & Calming.
11. Tea or Coffee?
12. What are your life goals?
Continue writing.
Travel as many places as I can.
Live out a life with a happy job.
Get married and have kids.
Live within thirty minutes of a beach.
13. What sports do you play or have you played?
None currently but have played many sports throughout my life on little league teams and such but my main was track and field. Don’t tell me it’s not a sport 🙂 .
14. Have any books you read changed your life?
Hmm… I’ve never been a big reader so I wouldn’t say any really changed it.
15. What is your favorite movie?
Pursuit of Happyness.
16. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
Aspyn and Parker, Mr. Beast, Jeanine Amapola, Sarah Jane Betts, Steph Pappas, Autum Rainn, Steffy… I watch a lot of Youtube.
17. Do you speak any languages and how well?
English, as well as I can 🙂 .
18. Are you single or taken?
19. What is your idea of your dream date?
Picnic on the beach during a sunset, with the basket, blanket and all!
20. How long was your longest relationship?
Six and a half years.
21. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Maybe a mix of casual and girly but I like to change it up. 🙂
22. What is your go-to hairstyle?
23. How many siblings do you have?
24. What is your go-to fast food order?
Panera Bread, ABSOLUTELY. But if for some reason that doesn’t count, McDonald’s it is.
25. Do you use PC or a Mac?
26. Your most memorable vacation memory?
Swimming with dolphins in Mexico.
27. What are your morning, evening routines?
Morning: Shower, pick out an outfit, check weather, drink ningxia.
Evening: Brush my teeth and wash my face, TRY to lay out clothes for the next day
28. Do you have any bad habits?
Biting nails – Before I got tips again, I was actually getting better!
Saying “ummm” and other word fillers.
29. Tell us one thing about you that we wouldn’t know?
I took a circus arts class and now I have a strong desire to successfully ride a unicycle.
30. What is your favorite Netflix show?
31. Show us your songs tab on Spotify.
I don’t use Spotify so I’m going to assume this is most listened to or go to songs. Apple Music wasn’t accurate so here’s what I would say they are:
Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
Wow – Post Malone
Ocean Avenue – Yellowcard
Rap Devil – MGK
el Diablo – MGK
Break Up With Your Girlfriend – Ariana Grande
T-Shirt – Thomas Rhett
Small Town Boy – Dustin Lynch
Treat You Better – Shawn Mendes
Senorita – Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello
Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship
The Anthem – Good Charlotte
Leave Me Alone – NF
32. What is the craziest thing you have done?
33. Describe your first crush.
Brown, curly hair, brown eyes, goofy, older… okay, it was Shia 🙂 .
34. What theme parks have you been to?
Busch Gardens, Adventure Island, Six Flags, Adventureland.
35. Who was your childhood best friend?
There were many but just to name one, Jessica!
36. What is your favorite genre of film and why?
Horror. There is something about being on edge and off guard is exciting to me. These movies can be so predictable but it doesn’t matter. I can ALWAYS go for a horror film.
37. What was your dream job as a kid?
Nurse or author, in a way I feel I achieved one of them 🙂 .
38. What is your coffee order?
Starbucks – Iced white chocolate mocha latte with almond milk.
Dunkin – Iced coconut caramel latte with almond milk.
39. What is your favorite thing to order on UberEats?
McDonald’s – it’s the only thing I’ve ever ordered off of it soooo.
40. Have you moved from home, where to and how was the experience?
Yeah, could be better.
41. Have you ever failed at anything and what did you learn?
Hasn’t everyone? I learned that no matter how confident you are, try and practice harder.
42. How many countries have you traveled to?
Two or three.
43. Who is your celebrity crush?
Shia Labeouf and Tom Holland.
44. Do you have any pets?
I have four purrrfect kitties. ♡
45. What are your pet peeves?
Being rushed and getting interrupted.
46. What do you do in your free time?
Write, do yoga, or scroll Instagram.
47. Do you have any weird quirks?
Can watch Disturbia, anytime, anywhere.
Pretty much need to fall asleep facing a wall.
Need to shower every morning.
48. What is your favorite color?
49. Do you have any siblings?
Not me!
50. Do you know your personality type? What is it?
I didn’t know but according to a quiz, I am a Campaigner according to 16 Personalities. I didn’t know what I was but of course I needed to know!
51. Have you been to any concerts or festivals? Which were the most memorable?
Concerts – MANY country and various others.
Festivals – Taste of Country.
Most memorable was a Post Malone concert on NYE going into 2019!
52. What are your favorite values in friends?
Someone I can talk to, feel comfortable/be myself around,
53. What is one thing you wished people knew about you?
My RBF represents me differently than how I actually feel in the moment. I have been told by a few different people that I genuinely look angry when nothing is going on, but I can’t help that my face looks that way. Just know I’m probably happier than I look 🙂 .
54. What social media are you addicted to?
Instagram, and maybe slightly Twitter.
55. How do you get along with your family?
Very well! Although I don’t reach out as much as I should, I still love everyone part of it.
After I was about halfway through I felt like I was back in high school filling out one of those “notes” that your friends tag you in on Facebook. Anyone else remember those? I enjoy this kind of thing because not only does it is a way for people to get to know me better but also a way for me to look back and see if my answers have changed and how I felt in the moment when writing this. I hope you enjoyed and maybe even got you thinking about yourself while reading through!
I took these questions from Youtube Society’s updated Get To Know Me Tag Questions, if you’re interested in doing it yourself!
See ya,
Samm 🌻