Good Things That Came Out of 2020.
It’s not always easy but I try to find the light in most situations. I feel I have always been more of a “glass half full” type of gal and one to look on the bright side. 2020 was a ROUGH year, there is no debate there but I still feel that there is some good that came from it. I would love to share some of the happy moments and positivity that I saw in this crazy year.
I am aware that everyone had a different experience throughout this year. It was harder for some than it was for others BUT I want to shine some light on the positive moments of the year for myself. I hope while reading this you can remember the happiest moments that happened for you!

I GOT FREAKIN’ ENGAGED THIS YEAR! Okay, fine, fine… thousands of others probably did too, which actually maybe isn’t the most exaggerated statement… but either way, that is one of the happiest days in a person’s lifetime and it happened THIS YEAR!

I moved out… into an apartment. I moved into an apartment with my fiance… it still just doesn’t feel real for some reason. This is something I have wanted for so long and the time has finally come. It’s a place that we both love and are happy with and can be happy together.
At The Same Job.

I am so thankful and so grateful to still have the job I have had for the past couple years. It has been so hard for so many companies, businesses and people this year. I can’t personally relate but I feel for the people who had to go through that hardship.
Camp Crystal Lake Tour.

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog about my canceled 2020 plans. This consisted of the Camp Crystal Lake tour in New Jersey. Luckily through a couple different notications, we found a tour on Halloween of all days and we booked it! It made for a fun weekend getaway and an inside look at Friday the 13th that we had been hoping for!
Best Friends Wedding.

I have never been to a wedding and I got to go to my first one this year! My best friends got to have their wedding that was supposed to be postponed, which partially still is but they got to make it official! It felt so real once I saw the two of them all dressed up, with their family, it was beautiful!
No More Migraines?

Hear me out with this one… I think that my wisdom teeth being removed was actually something to highlight for this year. I cannot say for sure but I have not had a migraine since that one Sunday, following my surgery, that I was in immense pain. Since then I have had two to three headaches but I truly think I can consider them just that, headaches. Peace out, migraines?
Friendships I’ve Made.

Even if they have been through Instagram, I have connected with so many people that I have really clicked with and feel a connection. This has been such an experience in it’s own. Social media really does have it’s perks and this is absolutely one of them! I even met one girl in person, and it was such a great time! Thank you to each and every one of you for being so amazing. I love each and every one of you, you know who you are 🙂 .
These were some things that I wanted to really stand out that highlighted 2020 for me. There were even some more including, multiple weekend getaways (the city, camping and out of state), dying my hair for the first time, going to my first ever drive-in movie, visited the Freedom Tower on 9/11, endless cute Instagrammable pics and I’m sure there could even be a few more!
I hope you guys can reflect on your past year and find what positive came into your life!
See ya (next year),
Samm 🌻