How To Prep For A Polar Plunge.
I have done a Polar Plunge once in my life, and ever since I have been eager to jump right back into that below freezing body of water. It was so thrilling, although chilling, lol. It is continually done each year for a great cause and I am looking forward to finally contributing once again. The proceeds go toward the Make-A-Wish foundation in memory of Paulie Bradley, a young boy who didn’t get the chance to receive his wish. I know that they have them in different parts of the country but I will be going to Long Beach, NY.
For this blog, I wanted to give anyone interested in joining, a guide on what to do to prepare themself for this. I might be overthinking because I tend to do that a lot but running into the ocean in the middle of winter, it becomes something to contemplate. I like to consider how well I am feeling leading up to this event. I guess that’s a big thing to consider since being out in freezing temperatures alone is a bad idea, especially if your entire body is dripping and you have a nice, cold gust of wind consuming your body. I also wanted to use this as a reference in the years to come so that I know what to do for future plunges!

Leading Up To The Plunge Day:
I plan to follow each of these tips the week leading up to the dip day. Even if I am in the water for ten seconds, it will be worth it to make sure that my body is not in the cold-shock phase once it hits the ice cold water.
Cold Showers.
Cold showers in the middle of winter, no thanks! I hate the idea too BUT you don’t have to keep a constant cold shower for a week straight… turn the water on as cold as you feel comfortable for thirty seconds to a minute each shower. I have read a couple different blogs saying this is a tactic that will help prevent that shock feeling your body would encounter otherwise. Each blog said different ways to go about your cold shower but this is what I am sticking with. I plan to do this and then leave the water at a point that is just warm enough so that I feel ready to go.
Young Living.
If you guys don’t know about Young Living, it is an all natural, chemical free essential oil company that has branched out with various other products. I have referenced it in my Salt Cave Mediation and Psychic Reading blog, but anyway!
With the use of their products I have been almost sick free for months on months! There are a few different remedies from YL that I will be sticking out in preparation to help boost my immune system.
- Doubling up on Ningxia Red: Ningxia is an antioxidant beverage that is made from wolfberries and pure essential oils. It supports overall wellness and energy levels. There are MANY more benefits but for his instance, they feel the most significant. I have been drinking two ounces a day for about five months now and only got sick this month so I started to double up on it. Since the plunge is just a week away I will be drinking four to six ounces each day!
- Thieves on the bottom of my feet: Thieves is an essential oil blend used to protect against the flu, common colds, and other sicknesses. The bottom of our feet have over 2,000 pores making it easier and quicker for the oil to absorb into our body.
- Lavender or Raven essential oil in my diffuser at night: Raven is an essential oil that aids the respiratory system. It is good for people with pneumonia, asthma and promotes deeper breathing. This was an oil that I used frequently this month due to getting sick. Lavender may not help guide the immune system but will help relax and calm my body in the week prior.
- Inner Defense: This is a supplement to also help support the immune system. It creates unfriendly environment for fungi and yeast, helps in the defense of the respiratory system, and contains a few different essential oils, one being Thieves. Once the plunge is over, I may even continue to take this so that I do not run the risk of getting sick again this season.

Things To Keep In Mind.
Don’t Overthink.
The idea of running straight into freezing cold water can make you overthink. Get a little bit of a running start and go right in! Once you’re in the water, don’t panic! You’re going to feel like you can’t breath but just relax. Take longer breaths and your body will calm down and become more acclimated to the water quicker.
Don’t Stay In Longer Than Three Minutes.
Depending on our body, some people can sustain these temperatures longer than others can. I read don’t stay in longer than three minutes, don’t stay in longer than five, it all depends. For me, I personally think that three minutes is by far long enough! At whatever point that you start to feel comfortable, don’t let that get to you either. Just because your body is adjusted, doesn’t mean that you cannot still get hypothermia.
Pack A Bag.
We may be taking a trip to the beach in the winter but I think it’s pretty obvious the bathing suit and towel will still be tagging along! Along with that, there will be some additional items that I recommend that will need to be packed up for the day.
What To Bring:
- Towels: I think it would be a good thought to not bring just one towel but two or three. You’ll want to lay one out to either sit on or put your things down on, and then of course to dry yourself off.
- Extra bag: An extra bag will be convenient so that you can throw anything wet in that bag and not have to worry about it spreading to your other things.
- Blankets: I am the kind of person that is prone to being VERY cold so to have that extra layer of warmth can only help.
- Hat and Gloves: Anything that can keep your body heat in will benefit you.
- Sweats/Sweatshirt: After you dry off, you will want to be as warm as you can be. Bringing a nice warm pair of sweats and a sweatshirt will insulate your body so that you don’t run a greater risk of getting sick.
- Ear plugs: Wearing ear plugs can help prevent cold water from getting in your ears. If this happens you can experience something called, surfers ear. This can result in infection, which none of us want.

I hope that these tips can help anyone when they are planning to participate in a Polar Plunge. I know some of it is a little specific if you are someone that doesn’t use Young Living products but there are always other supplements or vitamins that can be taken to boost your immune system. If you are going to join in on a plunge, whether it be at Long Beach, Coney Island, Maryland, etc., leave a comment that you are!
Happy plunging, polar bears! 🙂
See ya,
Samm 🌻