I Tried MrBeast Burger.
Last week, I took to the city for a little day trip. I planned out the day a few days in advance to know what I wanted to do, where to go, what to eat, etc. I took to Central Park, the Sour Patch Kids Store, and of course… Mr. Beast Burger.
When I go to the city, it’s fun to eat at places that are new and different. I got to thinking what I would want when I got there, and realized that MrBeast opened 300 locations of his new restaurant fairly recent. One of them located in the city! Being a big fan of MrBeast, I was more than thrilled by the idea of actually getting to try his burger place.
By the time I drove around and did all the things I wanted to do that day, I was hungrrryyy. I looked up the location for MrBeast Burger and depending where you look, there are two addresses, but only one location. I went with the one on Google and it took me to Times Square. Upon arrival, I couldn’t find the storefront. Plus, if you watch MrBeast’s video for the opening of his restaurants, you’ll know you can only order through a delivery app. Which absolutely makes sense as to why there wouldn’t be a storefront but the idea of one being there would’ve been cool.

I took to a random side street, parked and began the order. The best way to go about this was to do this and use a random store as the address, considering I could only use a delivery service anyway. I placed the order through Seamless and it showed up about a half hour later. After I had already placed the order, I was on the MrBeast Burger Instagram and realized if I placed the order through the app, delivery would’ve been free… so I highly recommend using the app!
Ordering was too easy for me because I knew going in that regardless of what the Chandler Style burger had, that was what I was ordering. In addition to that I got the Beast Style fries, which were delishhh. The fries on their own were so good too! They have a bit of a kick compared to a regular french fry but that added to it for me. As for the burger, it wasn’t for me.

I can definitely say there are many other burger places I would have over it BUT that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have it again. As much as I didn’t love it, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try it for yourself! Plus, I still need to try out the Beast Style burger! I do recommend if you are going into NYC for it, to make a day of it. I wouldn’t go just to try MrBeast Burger and head back home.
Regardless of how I felt about the food, I was ecstatic that I got to try it out for myself. Who knows how long MrBeast is planning to keep the restaurants open for business… he could be planning to stay open as long as they get customers or it could be a short run operation. So I was happy to get a taste before they could potentially be gone!
See ya,
Samm 🌻
Very informative blog article. Much thanks again. Fantastic. Annmarie Eric Roybn
16 . Feb . 2021