I Went To A Slipknot Concert.
Guys, I went to a Slipknot concert! Yes, ME! I feel like most people would look at me and expect me to listen to pretty much anything other than heavy metal/screamo. I will admit it’s not my favorite kind of music, but I do enjoy various genres, even if they seem out of my realm. And, with that being said, it was honestly top FIVE of the concerts I’ve been to!

Nothing is more exhilarating than going to a concert. Being able to experience your favorite artists up close and personal is much more interactive than jamming in your car. It’s a different feeling to be involved in something that connects you to both the band and the other fans! I truly cannot express how much energy this concert had, the minute it started. You just feel it all around you, between the band, the music and the crowd. The moment Slipknot started playing, the fans erupted and the band was all over the place. They kept that same energy all throughout the show! At concerts, there is a sense of togetherness. You are all there for the same reason, and yet we are all so different! There are people there of all shapes and sizes but it’s so great to have that same purpose!

There was SO much going on at this concert. It was outdoors so that was a factor. I saw moshing, I heard screaming, I felt rain, I smelt smoke, and tasted some pretty good cheese tots (just had to throw each sense into the mix, haha)! I was SO nervous earlier in the day. Two days before the concert, the weather did not call for rain. The day of called for rain ALL day long! Luckily, we only experienced a bit of rain at the concert, and you know what? It added to the thrill! Last year I tried going to Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie, also at Jones Beach, and it got canceled due to crazy weather. When it came to moshing… I’m not going to lie, I wish I could’ve joined in on that! It adds that much more to the experience of it all, and crowd surfing too! It seems like a “I need to do that once in my lifetime” kind of thing! There’s always next time ;).

I experienced music by Slipknot, Volbeat, and Gojira. A band named, Behemoth was there also but they were the opener and we got there during their act, just to be able to hear from outside the arena. They were the first to play and apparently they’re supposed to be good but people said they sucked so that must’ve been a shock to most. Volbeat was one that I got to hear for myself, and I can say they were one that everyone was saying suck before they even came on! I can’t say they suck, I think they just didn’t belong as this kind of show. But by Knotfest standards, I could say they sucked. Sorry Volbeat…

But once Volbeat was over the anticipation was built up… I could not WAIT for Slipknot! I’ve seen videos of their concerts but I can tell you firsthand, there is NOTHING compared to being there for yourself. I have to say when Corey Taylor (the lead singer) was screaming, I could not understand a single word that came out of his mouth. It didn’t even matter though. The movement and excitement from each member is invigorating! This is also coming from me, the one I said you wouldn’t expect to be at this kind of concert since it’s not “my kind” of music! You don’t need to be front row to get that same thrill. Just being there to hear the music live for yourself is something in it’s own!

After the concert ended, it took maybe twenty minutes to feel a tightness in my throat, stomach, and especially my chest. My entire body felt like it had just gone through an intense workout. I expected to wake up the next morning without a voice and aches all throughout my body. Little did I know that I would wake up feeling perfectly fine but I preferred that anyway! BUT that goes to show how freakin awesome it was. The tightness was not a bother, just a representation of the greatest concert I have been to in a LONG time.
If you are even the slightest bit into this kind of music, I truly, highly recommended finding the closest Slipknot concert to you, and you go! Even if you aren’t really into this kind of music (because honestly, I don’t blame you), find out when your favorite band’s next show is, and you go to that!
I hope you guys enjoyed this blog, and hopefully the rest that I have written! Thank you, all!
See ya,
Samm 🙂