King Kong on Broadway.
As you know if you read my last blog, I saw King Kong on Broadway for Valentine’s Day! I’m no critic by any means but why no share my opinion and experience of it all!
I never thought of myself as a person to enjoy going to Broadway shows because I was never really into musicals. Music is a BIG part of theater so if musicals aren’t your thing, Broadway probably isn’t for you. When I was much younger I tried watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the first time and I turned it off during the first scene because I realized it was a musical… I’ll definitely have to give that a second chance. Over the past year or so, I have began to enjoy musicals a bit more so I think that is going to help encourage me to go to more. King Kong was only my second Broadway show, and unfortunately it just didn’t do it for me.

King Kong is playing at the Broadway Theatre, located a few blocks from Times Square. This was my first time attending this theater, and it was very nice. As for the shoe itself, Keith really enjoyed it but for me, it was just okay. The lead actress, Christiani Pitts, did very well as an actress overall but what I didn’t like was how they portrayed her. It was the role/lines, no fault of her own. King Kong is supposed to be based in the 1930s and it didn’t give me a feel for that. A reason for that being, as King Kong ran through the jungle they used this techno/EDM music, twice. That just seemed out of place for me and took me out of the feel for it. The musical aspect, being the songs, I didn’t believe were the strongest either. They didn’t captivate me and pull me deeper into the plot. It also just didn’t help that our seats were behind these two girls that wouldn’t stop moving around while the show was going on and it blocked our view. This was not the fault of the show but it just added to the lack of enjoyment.
I will say, the set, the acting, and the twenty foot gorilla were all very good! King Kong was the BEST part of the show. The artists and technicians who worked on him for the year did such a wonderful job of portraying as real of a gorilla as they could. The movement was done well, the illusion of him running through the jungle and the city were done in such a realistic way. It just blew me away. I think I also had such high expectations for this show that it also took it down a few notches for me. I’m glad I was able to see positives in it too though!
Like I said, this was just MY personal opinion of the show. If you were planning to already go see this I would absolutely recommend going! Just because I feel one way doesn’t mean you will feel the same. Plus, Keith liked it so there you go, still see it!
As much as I didn’t love it, I am still so excited to go see some more plays that have been on my mind. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Phantom of the Opera, and Mean Girls, just to name a few. Any excuse to go into the city makes it worth the day 🙂
See ya,
Samm 🙂