My 2020 Goals.
I’m not the New Year’s resolution type. When I was younger, I thought that I would give myself one each year but never actually stuck to it. I think that was just because it’s the thing you do when the new year comes around. This year I decided I would try to focus on goals that I think I can actually achieve. More than just going to the gym, eating better, etc. because I know those are not realistic for me.
Blog More Consistent.

When I first started this blog on January 31st of last year, I told myself that I wanted to put out at least one blog each week. That didn’t exactly go as planned. I posted 34 blogs rather than the 52 I should’ve in 2019. It also doesn’t help that I “took off” the month of July. In 2020, I want to be more on top of it and post even more than I am expecting to. I love to write, and always have so this is something I want to continue with and stay on top of.
I can also say that I hope I get more people to read up on it but that will come once I focus on getting more content out!
Go To Yoga On A Regular Basis.

I got into yoga about two years ago. I went to a studio for the first time with a friend and loved it! I wrote a blog about yoga, how I got into it, my experience with it, what it has done for me, and so on. If you haven’t checked that out yet, it’s linked HERE 🙂 . I have always been an active person. I played sports growing up, PE was actually one of my fave classes, I ran track for about ten years but over the past years I kind of lost that side to myself. To this day I enjoy being active and love to run, it’s just SO hard to get back into once you lose the stamina and flexibility.
Yoga is something that relaxes my mind and my body. It helps me to feel that energetic feeling I use to get when I would work out. One of my friend’s has done yoga and pilates, so her and I have committed to going to a studio at least once a week.
Get First Tattoo.

I have been saying for awhile now that I want my first tattoo. I know exactly what I want and where I want it. People have told me, print out a picture of what you want, hang it somewhere you can look at it everyday and you will know if you really want it after at least six months. I did not print the picture out but I have looked at it countless times and each time I get so happy to know that can be on my body one day. It is something that has a personal meaning to me. I don’t care if people a tattoo just to get it but for me, I need to have a meaning as to why I have it.
There was a day last year that I was SO close to actually going but that fell through. This year is my year for my first!
Grow To 5,000+ Followers On Instagram.

In the past year, I have gotten into following many different influencers on Instagram. I love to follow their journeys, their relationships, their sponsorships, their life. That’s what influencers do, they want to share their lives and experiences with the people that want to follow along. They want to communicate and grow relationships with people that can relate to them. They create beautiful content through their fashion, their families, their blogs, their travels, etc.
For the time being, there isn’t much I would say I am an influencer of but that contributes toward this goal. I want to grow my following in order to able to impact others. I think it would be fun to share a part of myself with others and see how more people relate to me, and one another. If you follow me, you know I am an ambassador for Pura Vida so I am frequently posting about them. There are also many bloggers that have grown to that status so I think that would be my draw. Considering blogging is another one of my 2020 goals, it seems fitting. I have made friendships through the ambassador programs and I am very thankful for that! I hope that can develop more each day.
Another aspect to this… content. Content, content, content. I LOVE pictures, and always have! This year I want to put out content that I am proud of, that is more quality and that relates to what more people want to see. Some people might laugh at the idea of being an Instagram influencer but I think it’s cool and relish with the idea.
As for 2020, I truly have high hopes of achieving the goals that I have set for myself. These are not out of my reach so I feel that I will easily stay determined. What are some of your New Years resolutions, goals, etc. I would love to hear any, whether they are big or small! Happy 2020 to all! 🙂
See ya,
Samm 🌻