My Canceled/Postponed 2020 Plans.
FOMO is hitting hard in 2020! I know I am not the only one po’d at the coronavirus for messing up my plans for this year. I’m sure almost everyone that will read this blog had at least one big event planned that is either getting postponed or canceled altogether. It is a very unfortunate reality but that is life. There are ways to make it better and to make light of the things we are missing out on. It seems hard now but we can always take that trip at a later date or reschedule something that was coming up.
Of course, that might not be the case for EVERYTHING but I’m trying to stay positive with what we are given. Here are some of the things that I am sad to have to go without this year or get pushed back. Enjoy 🙂 .

Okay, going to the movies doesn’t seem like something that would be a big enough deal to make this list. That’s why I decided to start it off with this. But I look forward to movie trips. It’s disappointing to know that I’ll have to wait extra months or even a year to see something I was heavily anticipating. I was REALLY looking forward to Top Gun: Maverick, A Quiet Place II and Black Widow, some others too but those were the big ones.
My Birthday.

My birthday has come and gone but it was not canceled! Yes, I did some birthday things day of, if you want to see what I did, check out my Birthday In Quarantine blog 🙂 . I plan to have my city day, and my mom and I have some plans of our own to celebrate when we can actually see each other again!
Two Weddings.

I have never been to an actual wedding. I was looking forward to going to my first one, even two! I feel bad for the two couples that will not get to celebrate the way in which they hoped. Also to all the people that made these big plans for 2020, like their wedding, and they are taken over by the coronavirus. I think it is great that some people are finding ways to make the best of it though!
Camp Crystal Lake Tour.

This was basically a spur of the moment purchase… if you guys don’t know to get a tour of Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco (the camp where Friday the 13th took place), you have to enter into a lottery just to purchase tickets. This lottery isn’t to win free tickets, it is just to purchase them! I checked my email and realized the day prior I received an email that I was selected! Maybe this happens more often than I think but I don’t know so I jumped at the opportunity.
I feel like I have said, I am a HUGE horror fan, Jason is one of my fave slashers and I just felt this needed to happen. I called up Keith to see if we had anything planned for May 9th and he was just all types of confused because I wanted it to be a surprise. I ended up having to tell him, since well… we couldn’t go. The event that we were supposed to attend is rescheduled for September so at least that’s something, as long as it still happens!
Also the day I selected for us to attend was the 40th anniversary, to the day, of the original Friday the 13th. That would’ve added to the experience but like I said, just to be able to go will make it worth it!
Comic Con?

I don’t actually know if this belongs here, hence the question mark. Something is telling me that I am going to have to look ahead to 2021 for NYCC. I don’t want to put this negativity into the universe but I just have it on my mind so it seems fitting to mention. Plus, this is one of the bigger events I have coming up this year so I couldn’t leave it out. As much as my bank account would appreciate me sitting out this year, the thrill is too good to pass if we get the chance.
As much as I know I didn’t have anything super outrageous planned for 2020, I was still looking forward to these upcoming events. The real bummer was the Camp Crystal Lake Tour! As much as Comic Con is the bigger event, I went last year so it wouldn’t be as new. If it was the first time I was going it would potentially be the bigger deal.
I know that what I had planned doesn’t compare to having my own wedding, to traveling and other things but for me, this is what I had going on and what I cared to share that were “taken” from me. For everyone that has had plans taken from them, I feel you and I apologize on behalf of this stupid virus! Let’s continue to make the best of these days and look forward to when it is passed us!
See ya,
Samm 🌻