Essential oils are not for everyone, and I know that. But for me, I feel they are a resource that I believe helps me out each day. Migraines, nausea, stress, aches, trouble sleeping, acne, these are just some things that I experience throughout my days here and there. These are also just some things that essential oils can assist with. If you follow me on Instagram, you might’ve seen me post about Young Living essential oils from time to time. There are a variety of other essential oil brands out there but Young Living is my personal preference! I won’t say I am against medicine but it is nice to have a natural alternative.
Peace and Calming.

This is probably my favorite essential oil, based on scent and uses. The mix of Ylang Ylang, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy are the perfect combo to create my everyday perfume, a sleep aid and a way to calm tensions. It’s really the fragrance that stuck with me because the first time I smelled this oil, I was hooked. It has a citrusy, earthy, floral aroma. I apply this oil topically at night for a more sound and relaxed sleep, when I feel overwhelmed, and to uplift my mood. I like to apply before a yoga session!
There is a Peace & Calming II… it seems that customers couldn’t get enough of one so Young Living made another! I am yet to try this one but you KNOW it is on my wishlist!

Migraine be GONE! Okay, it doesn’t make migraines go away completely BUT it truly makes handling them much more bearable. Peppermint is good for a variety of different things. Seriously, I feel like it has endless benefits! Plus, this is one of the vitality oils, meaning that it can be ingested. If I experience a severe enough migraine I begin to feel nauseous… peppermint relieves me of the headache and the nausea. I use it on occasion for aches and pains, itchiness and to even freshen up the bathroom.

Considering the situation we have been dealing with lately, Thieves has become my all day, everyday oil. This is a antiviral and antiseptic containing a blend that helps support our immune system and is also included in their line of Thieves cleaning products! Since self-quarantine has began I have been applying Thieves to the bottom of my feet, diffusing it each night, applying hand sanitizer each day and if I start to feel any bit of sickness I add some to hot water. Thieves smells of spices and cinnamon, which is much more pleasing as a cleaning product, rather than the strong chemical smell.
As I am writing this, I learned that another use of this oil is for splinters. It pulls it to the surface. That would’ve been great to know days again when I got one stuck in my finger and STRUGGLED to get it out.

This is another one that is good for almost everything! Lavender is soothing, relaxing and has astonishing health benefits. Many people that suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia, allergies, etc., turn to lavender because it works to improve you overall. It also aids with acne, sunburns/burns in general, dry skin, cuts and MORE. Prior to diffusing Thieves, I would diffuse lavender and apply peace and calming topically to ease me to sleep. On the days that I apply lotion to my feet, I will add a drop of lavender with the lotion and it makes it that much smoother.

This oil is the ultimate confident boost, and just like Peace & Calming, the scent is unbelievable. I apply this blend to the bottom of my feet each morning to start the day grounding myself. Valor has a woodsy and floral sweetness with a bit of a spice scent. It is hard to describe it with one word to it because it encompasses so many great oils! Along with providing confidence and self esteem, Valor is also used for grounding, to balance each side of the brain, align the physical structure of the body, while also providing a sense of relaxation and calmness. Oh, and as a perfume! This one definitely goes hand and hand with Peace & Calming with fragrance!

I’m human like all of us, so yes, I get acne. It sucks but it’s reality! I’ll be honest with this one, I use it for acne and that’s really all. I added a drop or two to my witch hazel, and it’s wonderful. BUT I wanted to provide you guys with a bit more info than just that SO apparently, it was a wide range of uses! The scent is like a warm, sweet balsamic like aroma but an overtone of incense. I’ve actually been told by a couple different people that it brings them back to church… I’m not a religious type person so I haven’t been to church is quite sometime. Considering a couple people said it, I’ll take their word for it!
Along with it’s ability to attack acne, it’s great for beauty products and skin support, in general. It enhances spiritual and meditative purposes, which makes sense for the relation to church. It can be used with a massage oil to sooth the joints.

As you can see, different oils have different uses but some even have similar uses. It is also part preference because what works for me, may not work for you! Reapplying is key so if feel the effects of whatever coming back, add more when needed… no shame in it 🙂 . Some oils really impress me with the benefits and uses that they contribute. Before I started to use them, I never would’ve guesses all that they can do.
I am still new to using essential oils so as I continue to learn more, I also discover more. I’m sure this list will grow but for now these are them! I hope you got something out of this blog, even if you don’t use oils 🙂 . What are your go-to essential oils?
See ya,
Samm 🌻