New Year’s Desires (2021).
Resolution is defined as “the quality of being determined” or “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Whereas desire is “a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.” When we set our resolutions for the upcoming year, I’m sure we all have the intention to keep and meet that goal until the next year comes around. We all know that almost never happens.
With a resolution, you may feel determined but the other definition even states “to not do.” Which to me, sounds like you’re getting off on a bad start as is. But a desire, you really want this, you have a longing for this thing you want to achieve. My Insta friend, Lindsey, made me shift my way of thinking. For now on, I will think of my “resolutions” as desires 🙂 . If you have seen my Instagram referencing “resolutions”, you know what I mean now. I have not considered this or thought of my New Year’s goals as something I desired before so I’m even a little more excited because of it!
Be sure to check out her post and give her a follow while you’re there! Can we also appreciate her dedication for the post where she discusses this… she got up at 5am in 20° weather! I am so glad that I can I have to give a big and strong thank YOU to Lindsey for this! I tagged her where her name is italicized but will also link her at the bottom!
Now, let’s get into my 2021 desires 🙂 . This year, I wanted to give myself goals that were a little more simple. Doing this, they feel more obtainable and something that I will have to give effort but that will come more natural. If you shoot for the stars, you may be setting yourself up for failure from the start and I don’t want to do that this year so we’ll take it slow because we can always speed it up into the year!
Learn To Curl My Hair.

I am probably the worst girl at being a girl, I don’t know make-up, I don’t know hair… but this year I am going to figure out part of it! For most people, it’s a piece of cake but since I don’t do it often and not having the best curling iron put me at a disadvantage. I got a new curling iron for Christmas and I have new determination to figure it out! By 2022, I will be a pro!
Don’t Stress Over Instagram or Blogging.
Last year I gave myself a goal of reaching 5,000+ followers… that didn’t happen, not even close. But 2021 Samm, isn’t stressing over it! Yes, of course I would love to grow my reach and my engagement and all that good stuff but you know what, I’ll get there. I know it won’t happen with the snap of my fingers so I will work toward it this year.
If I miss a post going up on a significant day or at a specific time, there’s always the next day or another time. This goes for blogging even more. There have been multiple times that I wanted to post a blog and it either happened a week or so later, or not at all. As much as that might disappoint me, I am no longer going to worry myself with it!
Exercise (At Least) Twice A Week.

I have always enjoyed getting my body moving but I have been very lazy over the past few years. That motivation has gone down but I want to bring it back up! Whether it is walking, yoga, tennis, etc., I want to do an activity at least twice a week for thirty minutes. It’s only the first week but I have worked out three times this week so far!
More Self-Care.

YOU are so important. Taking care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally is the most important thing there is. Considering the year we had last year and just in general, we deserve to give ourselves a little extra TLC. There are endless forms of self-care and it may look different for everyone. Whether you write, work out, meditate, water a plant, go for a drive… there are so many ways to de-stress and better yourself!
That is why I am going forward with my Self-Care Sunday series on here! If you saw my last blog, or didn’t see it (click HERE), I decided each (or almost) Sunday I will be sharing a way in which I took part in self-care in some form. It will get me to blog each week, take part in more self love and achieve this desire along with a couple others!
There are a couple others that come to mind that I hope to achieve as well. I don’t feel they need to be highlighted. This is about the bigger, main focus for 2021 so that’s what these four desires are!
Leave me a comment here or on my Instagram post for this blog telling me what some of your desires for this year are! I would to see how ours are similar but also differ! Good luck on your resolutions, goals, desires!
@lindseyjohnnson’s inspo photo 🙂
See ya,
Samm 🌻
Self-Care Sunday – Yoga. – The Life of Sammiiejayyy
[…] you read my 2021 desires blog, you know that I also want to work out at least twice a week. Bettering your body physically […]
18 . Jan . 2021