Salt Cave Mediation and Psychic Reading…
A few nights ago, I joined in on a salt cave meditation. My friend is an independent distributor for Young Living. She hosts events about the company and incorporates oils into what we are there for. Young Living is a company originally based from essential oils and has expanded to different products. If you’re interested in trying them out for yourself and seeing what they’re all about, get started HERE 🙂 . As you guys may know, I have been to a salt cave once before and wrote a blog on that experience because it was my first time, but this time was different. This time there was guided meditation, as well as a brief psychic reading. I was not expecting a reading but let me tell you, I got more out of it than I could’ve anticipated.

We all sit down together and get situated in the cave. It is decorated all over for Halloween. That just added to the orange glow and the feel of the season. These two girls sit down next to me, and one of them looks too familiar. I swear I knew her from somewhere so I had to ask her. It turns out we didn’t actually know each other but both her and her friend said “maybe in a past life.” I loved that she said that because I totally believe in that too! In case you guys didn’t read my last blog, What Do You Believe Happens After We Die?, you can check it out! I have to also mention that BOTH their names are Sam… there were four Sams in that one room!
The night goes on and we start discussing oils that flush away negativity and promote a relaxing environment and all that good stuff. Which clearly a salt cave is the perfect environment to promote this. Olympia, the meditating psychic, tells us who she is and what she does. She discusses meditation, the benefits that it has and who we could watch on Youtube to begin self meditation. I believe we listened to Lisa A. Romano, she was highly recommended. We begin to meditate and while everyone is thinking good thoughts and taking in the salty air, Olympia is going around pushing the negativity out of our bodies. She is literally using her hands to push the bad vibes out of our bodies from our head to our toes. Some people said they felt warm, some felt a tingle, I didn’t really feel anything but that doesn’t it didn’t work. Once she finished and the meditation ended, it was onto the readings.
Psychic Reading.
Since we didn’t want to be there all night, Olympia said she was just going to give a brief reading of everyone based on the tarot card that you picked from her hand. There were endless cards, so many different things that could be said. When she gets to me, I pick my card without understanding what is on it or what it says and she tells me, “you’re very smart. You need to pay attention to your thoughts because you have a very good gut sense. And you take that and don’t even believe in yourself. You need to believe in yourself with what you think and what you feel, and what’s here is true. You’re getting messages and you are on target, don’t doubt yourself. Got it?”
“Is there anyone in this room…?”
I have to say, I feel that does reflect me and what is going on in my life but it didn’t satisfy me. I don’t feel I have a great gut sense and that reading kind of just left me wanting more. Olympia moves onto the next girl, starts for a second and stops, “is there anyone in this room that lost their dad? Someone’s dad past away?”
I slowly raised my hand… “he’s here.” At this point, I knew I was getting a little more of what I wanted out of this experience. She goes on… “he is okay, he wants you to know he is okay.” At this point I felt tears starting to build up as she is staring straight into my eyes. For anyone who doesn’t know… I lost my dad when I was young, I was six years old. Just because it was so long ago and I was so young, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt just as much.
So she reassures me, and then starts to go more in depth. I don’t remember specifically what she said and in what order but I just know this was the gist of all of it…
Olympia says she sees a stone, “does this ring a bell? Is this some sort of message?” I told her it could be but nothing was really coming to mind. She followed up asking if he was the outdoorsy type, and that, he most certainly was. “That’s it, that is what I see. That is the stone.” This is something I do want to ask my mom about though. Maybe there actually is a physical rock or stone that isn’t coming to my mind but might come to her’s. She goes onto say that even though it was soon, it was his time to go. No one wants to hear that so of course I continuously have tears streaming down my face, my breathing is all out of wack. It’s not a very cute look being in a salt cave with fifteen other people – most of which I didn’t know.
“Did he have a buddy? Someone that he was close with here?” I don’t know… I didn’t know his friends when I was six! But then she says “he’s with someone up there, he’s not alone.” That made me realize… my uncle. My uncle (his brother) passed away in January. That was a nice feeling. To think that my dad was alone all this time, it’s even more sad but being reassured that they are together, I liked that.
Continuing on… Olympia asks “do you have an animal? A small pet?” Yes. “A dog?” No. “A cat?” Yes. Which I know that is something that is pretty common and generic between MOST people but I was still into it, I was still listening to each word she said to me. “Okay, a cat, a small cat” and while she is trying to put the right words together to describe the cat, she is gesturing with both hands. She is showing me a size of an animal with her hands, kind of… big?
I haven’t gotten a reading done before but I have told myself, when I do go for one I do not want the person to have any information on me. I don’t feel that it will be accurate then. When she was questioning the cat I did say I had four which was info that I shouldn’t have given because she can build on that but too late, lol.
“The one that is small but big, kind of fat?” I have two of those but one of them is my fave and I have more of a bond with. She has been with me for many years now and she is a round little thing. So I felt I knew which one she was thinking of. “If you catch your cat staring off, up the stairs, at a corner of the room, she’s looking at him. He’s there.” I’ve heard that animals can sense ghosts/spirits and I totally believe it but I suppose it’s not all of them? I have caught my cat staring off so that could really be what it is. She knows that my dad is there in that moment.
Moving Objects.
The last thing that she asked me about was the placement of things. Do I ever notice things getting moved around? I know this one sounds crazy, how can a spirit move objects? But, years back I had a balloon in my room for my birthday. There was no airflow, no breeze and this balloon started bobbing up and down then moved across the room to where I was… and at that moment I did even think to myself “this is my dad saying “happy birthday.” Another time, a picture frame fell from one of my shelves and there was no reason for it. It was probably about an inch from the edge and nothing bumped it or shook it. I was across the room this time too. I don’t remember what was in the frame but the fact that it did just fall, was enough for me.
Thinking back to it, there have been situations where I thought I put something somewhere and I am forgetful but genuinely felt like something was somewhere I didn’t put it. She told me “that’s him, he’s playing tricks on you.” From what I know, my dad seems like that kind of guy and like he would do that to me if he was still around.

After the Reading.
Going back to Sam that I said looked familiar… when Olympia moved on from me after giving me a big hug, I was still a wreck. I was sobbing with tears streaming down my face and my girl comes over to me and gives me a big hug and holds my hand… she says to me that she’s there for me and that meant the world to me. The rest of the time, while the readings went on, Sam (my familiar friend) held my hand, the entire time. I could not have thanked her enough. When she came over she even had tears in her eyes so I thought maybe she lost someone close to her but sitting there for a little, I truly started to think she was crying just over how distraught I was and it just got to her THAT much.
Olympia got done reading Sam’s and is about to go onto the next person and asks “are you two related?” and we told her that we just met but how I said she was familiar. The psychic said “there is definitely a connection there, I’m not sure what it is but there’s something there, you were meant to meet. You might have known each other in a past life…” That is exactly what the two girls said! What a strange coincidence.
We were talking a bit as Olympia was reading others but Sam even said to me “you thought you knew me… it was definitely a past life thing.” Even my friend, Sam (too many Sams lol) and another girl said to me “I had tears in my eyes, I really felt for you during that.”
The Experience.
As destroyed as I felt, it was such a great night. I was so happy that I got to have this encounter. It was good to be in that environment. I have felt that it would be nice to make salt cave visits more often. This will be a nice addition to my self care. Plus, I have learned meditation through yoga so it will be nice to practice this monthly, if I don’t keep up with it on my own. The tarot card was cool but definitely didn’t compare to my dad being in my presence. This was a moment I will never forget. I am so glad that he came and I have this to cherish forever. As upset as I was, the happiness definitely came through.
Sorry this blog is SUPER long but I hope that it was intriguing for you. Have you ever gone to a psychic, gotten a tarot card reading? This kind of stuff intrigues me and to have a personal experience for myself means so much to me now.
See ya,
Samm 🙂