Self-Care Sunday – Face Mask.
Over the past year, I feel self-care has become much more of a present concept for people. It gives you the ability to really focus on YOU and make sure that you are feeling well and healthy, whether that be mentally, physically or socially. Self-care can be seen in SO many different ways and I am here for it!
You haven’t seen my “resolutions” just yet BUT here is a little idea of one of them. In 2021, I decided that I would focus on self-care more, throughout the week or maybe even just the one day. Either way, I feel that will give me a focus for bettering my own needs. I thought this could be fun too because I can share with you some of the ways I partake in my own way!
I decided I am going to make this into a series to push myself to commit to this desired goal, as well as get myself to blog more frequently. Maybe I won’t blog each and every Sunday because I am doing the same method I did the week prior, or maybe I will post about the same practice in addition to another on top of it. Who knows, we will see where it goes but I’m looking forward to it! Here’s to a fresh start 🙂 .
Face Mask.

For my first self-care Sunday, I decided I wanted to give my skin (specifically my face) a little more TLC. I decided to apply a face mask from St. Ives. I was gifted a St. Ives for Christmas, which was nice because they aren’t usually something I think to buy for myself. St. Ives recently released a couple new masks, one of them being Glowing Apricot. I believe I have used their brand before and really liked it.
After using it this time, I realized their’s was one of my favorites! There is so much serum/liquid in one bag, which is so nice because you know it won’t run out and that you will have more than enough applied to your skin. While wearing a face mask, it really does feel soothing, almost like an at-home spa. If you haven’t used one before I absolutely recommend it, especially if you have dry skin. My chin can get extra dry for whatever reason in the winter so I think this will be great for me!

Once I take it off, I love the freshness and hydration. Especially this time of year we can really use the extra hydration since our skin is much more dry. After using it, I did notice my face felt warm and got a tint of redness to it. It didn’t burn or bother me and it went away shortly after I took it off.
I’ll be getting to Target one day this week to pick up more. Face masks are going to be something I carry on throughout the year to keep up on my self-care. It will be a trial and error process because I’m not sure how often I will need one. It really can depend on the person, how dry your skin is to know how many a week will be best for you! I might start with one or two a week to see how I feel.
Have you used a face mask before? What’s your favorite brand, scent, etc?
See ya,
Samm 🌻