Self-Care Sunday – Meditation.
Meditation has made such an impact over the past couple years of my life. I know some people don’t get meditation, how do you sit there and not go stir-crazy? I can see that, but once you can understand and get the hang of it, it really can be beneficial. I started meditating when I started doing yoga a few years back, since they can go hand and hand. Lately, it has become more frequent since I began using the Calm app.
I’ve mentioned this app before but in case you don’t know, it is great for meditation and aiding in sleep. I personally love to listen to the calming white noise selection, that helps me more than I can tell you. The mediation has been great for my self-care, it puts me at ease and a state of relaxation. I have been using it all throughout the week and made great use of it today too!

Everyday there is a different topic that they focus on. Today’s focus was ‘mornings’. The morning is the most important part of the day in order to start off on a new beginning. If it starts off on the right foot, you’re more likely to continue out the rest of your day on a positive note!
There is almost always a quote that I take away from each meditation, something that speaks to me in some way. “Each day there is a magical time when we can open ourselves to pure possibility and that time is the morning. During the early hours when the sun first climbs up in the eastern sky, we rise to a new day, feeling restored and rejuvenated.” You never know what the day has in store for you, it’s a reset for new possibilities and opportunities 🙂 .
Meditation helps to restore me each day, whether it be the morning or later in the day. It relieves tension and helps me temporary forget all the worries going on in the world or in my day. This contributes in so many ways to my self-care needs!
Each morning ask yourself – what contribution will I make today? What qualities do you want to move into the day with?
See ya,
Samm 🌻