Self-Care Sunday – Yoga.
Yesterday, I got up nice and early and had a super productive morning. One of the few tasks I did was yoga. I listened to my body and gave it just what (I thought) it needed. Doing yoga in the morning helps me to establish a good foundation for the day ahead, and that was just what it did. Something I love about focusing on more self-care for myself is that it encompasses another one of my desires.
If you read my 2021 desires blog, you know that I also want to work out at least twice a week. Bettering your body physically applies to both these desires of mine, and that makes it that much more fulfilling 🙂 .

The beginning of the year, Fabletics released a new app called Fabletics Fit, that provides different workout routines, yoga classes, meditation and logs it for you. Based on how many days you plan to work out and how long, it will tell you if you succeeded your goal for the week. I have used it each week and have been loving what it has to offer! So far I have used it to participate in Nikki Nie‘s practices and she is wonderful. Definitely check out her programs if you sign up for Fabletics Fit!
I am a little glad I am actually getting this blog out today rather than on the Sunday, considering how I said “I thought” I was listening to my body. I suppose I went a little too far and strained my back a little. I feel a soreness you would get from working out in my lower back that I don’t usually get with yoga. I started feeling it last night and still have that same feeling all throughout today. Since I haven’t really felt this from yoga before, I don’t really know what I did…
But today, I am continuing my self-care to focus on what my body needs to get past this soreness. I am resting, while using a heating pad and some essential oil to help reduce the ache. Mild stretching is working out the little aches and pains as well. I hope I’m not feeling this any longer tomorrow because it’s pretty strong… plus, I would like to practice some more. I know I shouldn’t feeling like this so I am being patient.
Sometimes it is truly worth the journey even more when you have a reason to push yourself toward it. Not that I want to be hurt but I’m glad that I have all the reason to give myself this additional self-care today!
See ya,
Samm 🌻