Selfie A Day (2019).
Can you believe that 2019 has ALREADY come and gone? I, for sure, cannot! In 2018 I came up with the idea to take a selfie a day of myself to see how much I changed throughout the year. Like with most goals in January, it did not hold up… I think I MAYBE got half way into February and called it quits. I think I forgot one day, then the next and then another, and at that point it just didn’t make sense to continue. This year, 2019, since I now have a blog, I decided why not stick it out but write about it and how it went! I know… taking a picture of yourself once a day, how crazy can that really be? Let’s find out!
After putting all the pictures into an album on my phone, I realized that I only got 356… I mean that’s pretty good but I thought that I only missed out on MAYBE five days. Things happen though, you get sick, you forget… with me, I forget a lot. So I guess I am pretty proud that I only missed nine. There were many days that I did not have the best lighting so a bunch of them came out super dark, or with weird shadows but they still count! There were many days that I planned to get my selfie outdoors so I could get that natural light but they slipped by me.
January 17 –
Cut on my nose.March 8 –
Hair pulled back into low bun.August 14 –
Curled my hair.September 28 –
High bun and some acne.
There were a few different things that I noticed during the year when looking back. Some physical changes were my hair length/hairstyle, acne, cuts, and bags under my eyes. I had short hair at the beginning of the year. I am not the type of girl to go every six months (like you are recommended). I get my hair done whenever I feel that it is too long for me and cut it down to shoulder length. I haven’t gotten it cut since then so I’ve just been growing it out. Mid-January I got a cut on my nose… from what? I really don’t know but that lasted a few days and I watched it heal. When it comes to the bags under my eyes, they were worse some days but for the most part they were pretty consistent. Maybe 2020 will bring me more sleep.
January 8 –
Vivid filter, hair on (my) left side.October 28 –
Hair on (my) left shoulder.
There were just some other little things I noticed when swiping through. There were many days that I would repeat wear a jacket. That goes to show that I just got it and I couldn’t get enough of it, lol. I also part my hair toward the left side so in almost every picture, my hair rests on my left shoulder. I’ve heard a theory that if you’re right handed you favor your left side to wear bracelets/a watch, get tattoos, etc., and vice versa. Maybe it is something to do with that, who knows? Lastly, I went through a phase where I would use the “vivid” effect on the iPhone for every picture. If it was going on Instagram, vivid! If I just really liked the picture but it was just sitting in my album, vivid! I couldn’t help myself 🙂 .
July 4. July 14. August 12. December 26.
While I was going through, I did realize that I did actually miss more than nine (ooops) BUT for those days, I did take a close enough picture that I cropped and made into a selfie (sort of). I didn’t want to completely miss out on the day so if I had something to take it’s place, I figured, might as well!
There weren’t any crazy changes, like a piercing or dying my hair but I still think it’s fun to capture the little things that may have changed. Plus, you don’t always plan for something so there could’ve been a dramatic change I wasn’t expecting! But turns out, that didn’t happen this year.

Some days, I didn’t have the best lighting. ^^

Some days, I didn’t have the best hair. ^^

Some days, I didn’t even look at the camera lens… ^^
But I tried each day to get something to keep up and see how I changed each day in 2019! There were moments that I would get frustrated because the lighting was bad, I wasn’t in the mood, or whatever the situation was and I would say “screw it” and just take what I could get. I’m not a New Year’s resolution kind of person but I am glad that I at least stuck this out!
January 1, 2019. December 31, 2019.
I hope that everyone had a fun and safe New Year’s Eve, and have an even better New Year! Do you have any resolutions you hope to accomplish in 2020? Have you ever been able to stick with a goal you planned for the new year? I haven’t!
See ya,
Samm 🌻