Stitch Fix.
“I have so much in my closet, but NOTHING to wear!” How many times have you encountered this problem while getting dressed? For me, probably at least once a week… well, I might’ve found a solution, Stitch Fix! I came across Stitch Fix while listening to Chicks In The Office. You know, that podcast that I mentioned in my First Celebrity Crush blog. This is one of their sponsored ads and I decided to try it out!
I honestly misunderstood the concept of Stitch Fix, even though I had heard about it over and over. I thought that the idea behind it was that you pay $20 for the box each month and you keep what you want and send back what you don’t. Well, it is kind of like that, BUT the $20 is a credit toward the box, which seems to make a lot more sense. I figured you were sent two, maybe three items since that would sound reasonable for such a great deal. Now that I have received the box and can explain what the concept is, a bit better…
What It Actually Is.

Stitch Fix pairs you with a stylist that selects styles and items that they believe you will like based on your taste. They determine this based off of what you select in your style quiz. If you don’t like the picks from that stylist, you can always pick a new one! This service is for women, men, and kids. I totally feel like I am giving you guys this info as if it is an ad but I can tell you, it’s not. It’s just fun to share the things I like (and sometimes don’t like) so you can enjoy them too. So back to it!
You start by taking the style quiz, in which you select clothing, accessories, etc. that fits what you are into. You also give them your sizing and the fit that you prefer. It is a very thorough quiz, that is well worth it. I read somewhere on their site that it is not a subscription box since you can order whenever you want. You keep what you want and send back what you don’t (so I was at least right about that).
From my understanding, you pay $20 toward each box before you even receive it. This $20 goes toward your box, but if you decide not to keep anything that money still goes to Stitch Fix. On the other end of that, if you like and decide to keep everything in your box, you get an additional 25% off! Each item in the box is priced to it’s appropriate amount so the box will vary each month (or however often you decide to order). You can leave a note for your stylist to be more specific on what you like, don’t like, want in your next order. For mine, I told Laura (my stylist) about my workplace and what is appropriate attire, that I’m looking for cute dresses, and that I am not into gold especially when it comes to jewelry. She provided me with exactly what I wanted in my first fix! Just to mention that I will be keeping her for the next one! There is a style card that comes with your box too. This is perfect for people (like me) because I am NOT the most fashionable so this will come in handy. This could also sway you to keep an item that you weren’t really into at a first look.
Each day, you get to “style shuffle”. This is one of my fav features about Stitch Fix. On the homepage, there is a section where you “like” or “dislike” a piece of clothing, accessory, etc. When it finishes with the first few it then gives topics for you to continue to shuffle through. This gives your stylist a better idea of what to pick out for your next fix!
I’m sure to no ones surprise that Stitch Fix has an app. You can update your “fix” preferences, choose which items to keep from your order, look back on your items, use the style shuffle, access your profile settings, and some more. After playing around on the app, I realized that you can even purchase the item in another color! This is a nice perk to add to this service.
I also really enjoy that it is like a mystery box, in a sense. And I LOVE mystery boxes. To me, this is like a form of a mystery box, just for clothing! You don’t know what you’re going to get, like… at all! Unless you specify, but even if you do you’re still getting something that isn’t exactly what you’re expecting…
My Items.
For it being my first “fix”, I was very pleased! There was only one shirt that I was a little iffy on but I still didn’t hate! As I mentioned above, what I specified to Laura, she did just what I asked. I received two work shirts, cute dresses (that are perfect for going out or for work), and a pair of silver earrings. As much as I wasn’t expecting to pay so much for this, I am so happy with the styles and quality which made it a little more worth it.

Let’s start with the work shirts. The one that I was sort of iffy with was the larie crew neck blouse from Papermoon. It’s an olive color with a mini floral pattern. I love olive, I love floral but something about this shirt wasn’t my favorite, even when I put it on. But, I didn’t hate it and it wouldn’t have been worth it to send back. The style card helped me decide that I like it more than I thought. The other shirt was a carielle one pocket top from Tinsel in white. This shirt is your generic button up, work style shirt. Nothing about it is special but there are so many things you can do with it.

Onto the cute dresses that were the real draw for me. Pictured above on the left is the cristen shirt dress from 41 Hawthorn. This is a navy dress with a pink floral design with a tie at the waist. I have to say this is my favorite by style and by the look of it on me. The dress pictured on the right has brighter colors that blend well together. I feel this makes it stand out and I like that about it. I don’t have much teal in my wardrobe so this was a nice addition. This is the arnett faux wrap knit dress from Kaileigh.
The last item from Stitch Fix were these silver aida filigree earrings from Bancroft. I was thrilled with these because I only have studs but it’s nice to change it up and I can style these with so many different outfits, including what I was given in this order. As you can see I’ve worn them with my teal dress, and I think they look pretty cute, if I do say so myself!
Referral Link.
Referral link. <– Click that for my referral link. By using that link, I will get $25 and so will you in checkout on your first fix! Who doesn’t like a discount?
I hope if you guys decide to check out Stitch Fix, you enjoy it just as much as I do! Thanks for the read!
See ya,
Samm 🙂