Update: I Passed Out…?
Just about a month ago, I passed out. Like collapsed to the floor and didn’t remember it happening, still don’t. If you guys read my I Passed Out blog, you have an idea of what I am referring to and if not, go check it out and come back here 🙂 .
My primary doctor is closed on weekends and since this occurred on a Saturday, I had to wait until Monday to get in touch with her office. I waited the two days and everything seemed pretty fine. I was a little off because I was nervous. For one – was it going to happen again? Two – what in the world happened to me?
I spoke with the doctor twice that week, Monday and Wednesday for a follow up. Monday, she asked me how I was currently feeling, for my temperature, if I could taste food, to lean my head forward and some other typical questions from a doctor. Also consider, this is happening during covid so my temperature and lack of food taste are very relevant questions. Did you know that if you lose the sensation of tasting food, that is a symptom of the coronavirus, because I didn’t?
When she asked me to lean my head forward, it was for ten seconds and then to slowly raise it back up. “How do you feel?” At first, I thought I was perfectly fine but I started to feel a little dazed, not dizzy but definitely something. That’s when she said I probably experienced vertigo. I should also mention that I am anemic and experience migraines quite frequently, so those definitely could contribute.
When Wednesday came along, of course “how are you feeling? Have you experienced any dizziness?” From what I can remember, it was an every other day kind of thing. The day of my fall, I was not in good shape, the next day I felt better, Monday was a reck, Tuesday was pretty good. So she told me that with everything going on, I am not an emergency case unless something like this occurs again. In that case, she set an appointment for blood work in three weeks (Wednesday, 06/03).
Related Occurrences.
But then a day would come that it just really hit me. Thursday (05/14) was another day around 5am that I got a whirl of slight dizziness. Nothing like the day my episode happened but something made me feel off and the rest of the day was not good. I was stressed, could not concentrate and I believe I cried multiple times that day.
Overall I have been good for the most part since that Thursday. There were two days (05/22-05/23) that also got the best of me. On Friday (05/22), around 8:50am I was getting out of the shower and I got DIZZY and had to sit down immediately. The BEST time to pass out if it were to happen, when I don’t have clothes on… I know I didn’t pass out but I had to remain where I was for at least a few minutes. The day wasn’t as bad but it did make me overthink the whole day and left me a little whoosy. This feeling of being whoosy went on into the next day. Not fun…
My Appointment.

I was at least happy to be able to say that my temperature was completely normal each time I had taken it, which was many, and I did not lose my ability to taste when I ate.
For the actual visit, I got blood taken, a regular physical and then an EKG was done to be sure that my rhythm looked normal. Apparently I am a perfectly healthy person, which is a great thing to hear. Waiting to hear back on my results is so nerve wrecking, even feeling that I know I am fine.
The Follow Up.
A week passes by and I am back at the doctor’s for a follow up (06/11) to go over my blood work and see if there is something that is off and maybe have an answer. Nope… turns out I am a perfectly healthy person AND I came back negative for the coronavirus antibody test, which are all great things. The only thing she told me was that I have low anemia but that is something I have known forever so basically nothing to really report back. It is definitely a good feeling for her to come back and tell me that I am a perfectly healthy human being. She did also mention that I should see a neurologist because of my migraines but I’ve done that already, so we’ll see about that.
I will say, I was hoping for SOMETHING a little more exciting… something that was more of an answer than low blood pressure and low iron. The things that I already knew but I suppose it is better this way 🙂 .
As anticlimactic this turned out to be, I hope if you read the first I Passed Out blog and now this one, you enjoyed them! Thank you for reading along, I always appreciate it!
See ya,
Samm 🌻