What Makes You Laugh The Most?
I did a question poll on Instagram to get the creative juices flowing a little more. I asked what people would like to see me write about because I do have ideas but it is also nice to get some additional inspiration! I got a fair amount of answers, but unfortunately I only received one serious one, what makes you laugh the most? The rest of them were just random comments to try to get me to follow their page, didn’t work…
BUT with that one serious reply, here we are. What makes me laugh the most? I can tell you, I’m a pretty easy laugh. I am a very corny person and appreciate the smallest things.
Cute Animal Videos.

If I see a video, or even a picture of an adorable animal doing something, you got me! I will absolutely be smiling from ear to ear but also won’t be able to hold in that chuckle that is dying to come out.
Corny Puns.

I am THAT person that will laugh at any form of pun. Even something as simple as, “I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me”, or maybe even the above image. If it is used in the right context, you should be expecting a giggle.
Watching People Fall.

I know, I know… this is harsh but come on! Does this not make you laugh? Think of all the funny home videos you’ve seen, think of the times that you’ve fallen and just laughed it off… it’s the best to make something bad into a funny situation! Of course I will feel bad but then I will have to let it out! I can’t help it, and I’m SURE I am not the only one!
Rom Coms.

Any genre of movies can make me laugh – comedy, action, etc. but the one that gets me most are rom coms. I think if I see that a couple has great chemistry and they are goofing around and making silly jokes, I can’t help but laugh. There is also the side to it that I am a crier! Over the years I have become so much more emotional so when there is something super sappy or just an amazing ending (even if it’s predictable), I cry happy tears and laugh at myself for it. So rom coms tend to get me in a direct and indirect laughing kind of way but still counts 🙂 .
Looking Back on Happy Memories.

What do we take pictures for? To remember the happy times, look back and share memories… well this is one of my fave things. I have done this countless times with my family in Florida. We are always looking back at pictures, whether they are old or more recent. There are endless stories and pictures that we reminisce about and it brings tears to my eyes almost every time.
You want to surround your life with people and things that make you happy. How I’ve always heard it, “laughter is the best medicine” so why have it any other way? Leave a comment telling me, what makes you laugh the most? There are MANY things that will get a laugh out of me so I’m sure we will have something in common!
See ya,
Samm 🌻