Which Deodorant Is Right?
Do you have that one product that you have gone through trial and error time and time again? Maybe for you, that’s shampoo/conditioner, soap, makeup, etc. For me, that’s deodorant. I have gone through countless brands to find the one that suites me best. It’s been a struggle for me and I’m honestly glad to say that I have found my match!

I’ll be totally honest, I didn’t know the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant until just a couple weeks ago. Say what you want, but it’s true! I have always used deodorant throughout my life so I never considered antiperspirant and what it could do. For those of you like me, the difference is that deodorant is for smell and antiperspirant is for sweat. If you are a person that has an issue with smell and sweat, you can use BOTH! Mind blowing… I know.
Sitting here, writing this blog truly made me realize how many deodorants I’ve actually gone through… I would’ve guessed four, five but turns out it’s been TEN. I grouped some together, as you’ll see. To go through that many just to find the one for me, is a lot.
Dove, Degree, Suave, Secret…

Each deodorant brand pictured above I have tried, excluding Sure. These are brands that I bundle together because they are pretty similar, in my opinion. I used these interchangeably throughout high school and just didn’t think if they were good enough for my body. Over the past year or two I have became more wary of the products that I use on my body.

This brand. Native just was NOT doing me any favors. I ordered the travel sample pack to get a little variety and try something new. From what I remember, it says to use for at least seven days (it might’ve been longer) so that you get the full effectiveness of it. Well… it wasn’t working too well for me even after two weeks of use. After a little while, it started to dry out my armpits and eventually began to cut them. My armpits were sore and red and I just knew I could not use this anymore.
I don’t want to say you shouldn’t try this. I think it was just my body that was reacting this way. Everything is different from person to person. Plus, they have some great scents. That was really what drew me in.
If you do decide to try out this brand, my fellow blogger friend – JaniesNoSugar – has a discount code, 20_janieconway_ , you can use!
Love Beauty & Planet.

I was obsessed with the Love Beauty and Planet for awhile. I actually don’t remember how I came across it but I just could not get over how amazing the smell of this one was. They have other scents but the coconut water and mimosa flower is incomparable. I even started to buy their body wash and shampoo and conditioner but I found out that as good as it is for the planet, it is not as good for my body. It has a bit more chemicals in it than I would like so I moved onto the next!
Young Living.

At this point, I was already using Young Living but basically just the oils. Finally I knew that this would probably be best case for my body. I got rid of all my other deodorants and bought two different YL scents, Mountain Mint and Meadow Mist. After I decided I didn’t love these, I figured I could try out their new scents because maybe they would be made a little differently. I was wrong. I realized that YL has much to offer but for me personally, the deodorant is not that.
Honestly pHresh.

This was a VERY short lived brand for me. I went on my Think Dirty app and searched for something new. Honestly pHresh was one of the top brands so I figured why not. I went on Amazon and got it quick and in just about the same amount of time it took for it to come, I knew this was not the one for me. I’ve never been one to use “wet” deodorant but I needed to do something different at this point. This was not the move.

THIS is it! We found the one! Once my mom told me to consider antiperspirant, I found type:A deodorant AND antiperspirant. I really thought I found this through the Think Dirty app but after looking back, I can’t find it. I searched on Amazon, and there it was! I was a little unsure about this at first because it is considered to be a cream but I will never doubt again because I love this stuff! It lasts longer than any deodorants that I have tried. I like the smell, the texture and that it lasts on my body throughout the day. I have found my deodorant match.
You will never know what is best for your skin or body unless you’ve tried it. I saw this quoted on a Facebook page and had to mention it in here because it is so true. Your body knows what it likes, and you know your body. It may have taken countless trial and error periods but I finally made it.
I hope that if you are having an issue with a product you are using and aren’t the biggest fan, you don’t have to feel stuck with it. There are endless products available, not just for toiletries.
See ya,
Samm 🌻