First Celebrity Crush.
Let me randomly start this blog off by saying that I am not normally a podcast kind of person. When I’m in the car or at work, I am listening to music, normally. I have recently came across a podcast and it has opened me up to more. So one of the most recent podcasts I started listening to is Chicks In The Office, which stems from Barstool Sports. The girls were asked “who was the first celebrity that made you know if you were straight or gay?” This got me thinking about mine, Shia, Shia LaBeouf. He would absolutely be mine. He came right to my mind as my first BUT the girls continued… They discussed other crushes that came when they were younger and which was REALLY their first. This made me wonder… Was Shia my FIRST ever celeb crush?
Each time I think of my celeb crush, whether it is from childhood or now, I will always say Shia. But thinking about my FIRST crush… I am unsure if he was really the first first. There are four that come to mind… There is Shia LaBeouf, Aaron Carter, Dylan Sprouse, and even Victoria Justice.
Let’s take it back to the 2000s! Who remembers “I Want Candy” and “Aaron’s Party“? These songs were part of the anthem to my life when I was growing up… I would jump around my room, dancing to these songs and singing along. Everyone has those songs that they associate to something. “I Want Candy” is one of those songs for me. My mom did not allow me to have junk food or anything caffeinated before 12pm when I was younger. One day I was singing along to that song, and I guess my mom didn’t hear the music. She pops her head in my room, and says “Samm, it is before 12… you know you can’t have candy yet.” I laughed, and told her that I was singing the song. That is something I will never forget. Aaron Carter is part of the nostalgia in my life that I will never let go. I think he was probably the first guy I actually considered “cute”. Being a young girl, calling a boy cute was a big deal… Especially being that he was this thirteen year old, pop star and I was seven year old me! Aaron will always have a place in my heart as a little girl’s crush, even if this is what he looks like now.
I grew up in the generation of the GOOD Disney Channel shows, one being The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. I, like MANY other girls developed a little crush on one of the twins. I was team Zack all the way, so that lead to my crush on Dylan Sprouse. I had a friend that was totally into him too, but that was NOT okay. We would have “arguments” over who’s he was… “He’s mine.” “Well actually he’s mine because…” We would talk on AIM, and set statuses about him, and had him in our bios. The fact that we were talking over AIM, goes to show what my young years looked like, lol. I feel that comeback has came for the love of the twins, whether you love one or the other, but that isn’t there for me anymore.

Now for Shia LaBeouf. I fell for him during Even Stevens. Who didn’t love the little, goofy, Louis Stevens? Disney Channel was obviously my thing growing up, lol. Since Even Stevens had a short (but wonderful) three year run, my love for him went on. I had posters, cutouts from magazines and print outs of him on my bedroom wall. Yeah, I was one of those girls… From Even Stevens to Holes to I, Robot to Disturbia. I need to stop for a moment at Disturbia… I can’t even tell you HOW MANY times I have seen that movie. I use to watch that movie everyday for a couple months straight. It was my always go to movie choice. I guess I could say it’s a guilty pleasure movie but it might sneak into my top ten of all time because I just can’t help how much I love it. I don’t even know how the DVD still functions because I ran that thing into the ground. Even through his crazy phase, with the bar fights, arrests and his paper bag incident, he still holds a place in my heart. What Disney star didn’t have a crazy phase? We all love celebs, even through their rough times.

Do you remember back in 2015 when Shia had the three day showing of ALL his movies from the first to the most recent (as of 2015)? He did a live stream of himself watching each movie, and had fans cycle in and out of the theater to watch the movies with him! If not, I’m sure you remember all the memes that came from it, like THIS one. Well, with or without the memes, I sure remember. I was even going to play hooky from class the following day, miss a MIDTERM, just to have the CHANCE to meet Shia. If not meet him, at least I would be in the same room, technically watching a movie with him. By the time I got word of this it was Sunday (day three, the last day). I had called the theater asking how long the line to get in would be… It was TEN hours to get in, TEN HOURS! The time to get into the city, on a subway, and to wait an additional TEN hours, the event would’ve been over by then. It was such a sad moment. The amount of contemplating, talking it out with Keith and my mom, and finalllllly deciding, “okay this is happening”… The idea got shut down… So much for being part of #AllMyMovies. I still have hopes that ONE day I will meet Shia.
Going back to the question that inspired this blog, I don’t feel that it is a matter of straight or gay. Who hasn’t had a same sex crush throughout their lifetime? Do you guys remember Lola from Zoey 101? Hmm, what about Victorious? Victoria Justice was my first girl crush when I was younger. To this day, she holds a place in my heart, just not as strongly as she did at that time. I had posters and little cutouts from Tiger Beat magazine of her, COVERING my bedroom wall (as you can see above). Back in 2011, my friend and I went to the Massapequa Mall because we heard Victoria Justice was doing a fan meetup to promote her new Victorious album! I believe we were only able to get a signature from her if it was on a Victorious album or something that we brought with us. That forced me to buy another album… Yes, another. I already had one album at home, of course. I can’t say I was mad about having a second one, especially a signed one. Now for the real kicker… My friend and I waited in line for seven hours to meet her, SEVEN hours of sitting in line at a mall just to have the chance to meet Victoria Justice. Honestly, it was worth it for me, as crazy as they may sound. We had a great day! Got to meet my girl crush, get her autograph and a picture together, what could be better? Haha.
To sum it all up, I would have to say that Shia Labeouf is my first celeb crush to let me know that I was straight, lol. I have gone through many phases of celebrity crushes but these four were the main that developed when I was younger and stood out. To this day I have my crushes but Shia is still and will always be the number one! Who was your FIRST celeb crush? Who are some of yours? Leave me a comment letting me know! I would love to hear about it.
I know I go on and drag it out a bit but I hope that you enjoyed, and continue to enjoy my blogs!
See ya,
Samm 🙂