Mini Getaway For Halloween Weekend.
With 2020 being in the state that it’s in, everyone kind of expected Halloween to be canceled this year. I felt that over the past couple years, Halloween was dying down on it’s own. That’s how it has been around my area at least. With Covid, I really did think trick or treating was going to be a thing of the past and parties were going to be put on hold. Fortunately, I made plans for Halloween and made a weekend of it!
Remember My Canceled/Postponed Plans 2020 blog? Well, if not, click that title and give it a read! I mentioned how we were supposed to attend the Camp Crystal Lake tours in New Jersey. This is the camp that the original Friday the 13th took place. I received a notification a couple months ago that allowed tours to come back. I was unsure if I wanted to bother to attend with it getting canceled the first time and just the hassle of it all. Turns out my curiosity got the best of me, and I checked some tour dates…
HALLOWEEN? Tour dates on Halloween? Well… that changes things! Once I took this a little serious, I noticed that tickets were also cheaper. I decided to book a time on October 31st and made a weekend of it! Tickets were booked, I jumped on Airbnb and was all set from there. It went a little different than how we expected but it was still such a great time!

I left on Friday and made a couple stops before arriving at the weekend home. I knew I was going to be getting there late so might as well make a little more of the day! The main stop was at Kevin Smith’s store, Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash in New Jersey. I bought myself a new mask and a signed blu-ray. There were high hopes that maybe Kevin Smith would be in store that day because he visits from time to time. Once I was finished with each stop, it was onto PA!

I got to the house after dark and that was such a shame just considering how dark it REALLY was at this place. I was calling it a cabin throughout the weekend since I was doing the tour so that seemed fitting, plus it was pitch black and woodsy. I turned up the heat, unloaded the car and got on some comfy clothes! I planned to watch a couple movies during the weekend so I got a start on that Friday night. To prep for Camp Crystal Lake the following day, I started with Friday the 13th! That did not help with any of the questions that they asked while on the tour, lol.
The next day, HALLOWEEN, I got a good start on the day! This was the first time that Camp Crystal Lake tours was permitting dressing up so why wouldn’t I join in on the fun? Funny enough, I was the only one dressed up, excluding the few that brought along a Jason mask and wore things like that. At least I didn’t stand out too much.
On the way to the camp, I didn’t realize how low gas was AND I was in need of food… I made sure to leave with enough time to do both. From what I knew I was at least a half hour to the closest, anything… gas, food, etc. I looked up the directions just expecting to find both on the way and that wasn’t the case. I looked up the closest gas station that ended up not being there so it was fun to race against the gas light 🙂 . I got to the camp with an hour until the time and still needed food. The closest town was twenty mins away so I got food at a deli and was back with just enough time! THIS is why you leave early!

As a big horror fan and a Friday the 13th fan, this was such a blast! The overall experience was worth it and I could not be more happy that I didn’t let this pass by. It would’ve been cool to go on our original scheduled day but on Halloween was that much more thrilling! I walked the camp and learned some fun and interesting facts during our time there! I will be writing a blog on the Camp Crystal Lake tours so I will get more into it there 🙂 . Check it out in the next couple days!

Once I left, I needed some dinner which meant I was going to head back to that same town I stopped before the tour. In this town was a diner that took place in the Friday the 13th film, Blairstown Diner. Naturally I needed to stop there to carry on with the rest of the locations. They even branded the diner as the “Friday the 13th diner”.
On the way to the diner, I saw the most wonderful thing… trick or treaters! It made my heart so happy to not only see trick or treating but during this time! There is absolutely a way to do it and also keep safe and they seemed be 🙂 . Cops had streets blocked off, they were helping people cross streets, it made my day that much better!
Once back at the Airbnb, it was dark again… I did not expect to get back this late but it being the night of Daylight Savings, it was getting dark earlier.I relaxed and watched a couple more horror movies and ate some candy to finish off my Halloween night! Trick R Treat and Halloween… one of my faves and an absolute classic.
Sunday morning was another rainy day. Friday was cold and rainy, like rainy all day, and Saturday I really lucked out with sunny, decent weather. Once finished packing up all my things and loading up the car, I was sad to go. I wish I had another night at this weekend home, since I didn’t want to go home and didn’t get to spend enough time around the Airbnb.
I’m just glad I got away for a weekend, especially it being on Halloween. I hope everyone had a great holiday and made the most of their day! Also… who is sad to see the spooky season go?
Happy (belated) Halloween! 🎃
See ya,
Samm 🌻
I Toured Camp Crystal Lake. – The Life of Sammiiejayyy
[…] away for Halloween weekend… yes, please! Also, wrote a blog about the weekend so click HERE to check it out 🙂 […]
12 . Nov . 2020