The Story of Finding Out We’re Pregnant.
This could not have been summed up in just a paragraph within another blog. In my I’m Pregnant – First Trimester blog, I said I was going to write a separate post for this story and that is just what we’re doing here!
In finding out about the pregnancy, I would say there are a series of events that brought this story together. These were the days that Tommy was still in the city and I was on Long Island so we could not always be together.
Taking The Test.

As mentioned in that blog, we found out very early on… just five weeks along. I have a very regular period, it’s like clockwork each month. Symptoms come 7-10 days before it actually arrives, and nothing too severe. But this time when I was approaching my next cycle, nothing…
I don’t know in the moment what made me think, “you should take a test right now” but I was eager to! I had missed my period by a day or so and without any symptoms, I think that was just the push I needed to get right on it. That Friday, I was scheduled to only work half the day from home. Once the shift was over I took to the bathroom and tried to wait as patiently as one can while taking a pregnancy test.

You’ve heard the phrase, “a deer in headlights”, right? Well, there was no better way to describe this reaction to the result that popped up on that test. As I’m sure you would agree considering that picture, lol. I have never seen my eyes so wide a day in my life. When the test popped up “YES” a flood of different emotions came over me. I was completely shocked, overwhelming happiness set in, followed by lots of breathing to calm myself, then the tears came pouring out.
The Hospital.

The days leading up to finding out, we were both at work when I got a text… “babe I’m on the floor in the bathroom, don’t go crazy.” This is coming from the man that doesn’t feel pain, what reason could he possibly be on the bathroom floor at work!? Of course I was freaking out at this point… he goes on to tell me “going to hospital. in ambulance now.” Umm, what!? We later found out that he had gallstones and would need surgery the following day. Being on Long Island, I was not able to get to him as easily, or as soon, as I would’ve liked.
He went into the hospital Wednesday afternoon and got released late Friday night. I was only able to get there Thursday night but it worked out well. I was already taking a half day the next day and had the ability to wfh. So I took an Uber over to Tommy’s apartment and made it mine for the night. The next day was when I took the test. While he was at the hospital, not only did he have a surgery to remove the gallstones, but had ANOTHER one to remove the organ itself.
I got back in an Uber and headed to the hospital on Friday to meet Tommy before his second surgery. I got to be with him a bit before he went in and stayed at the hospital all the way through until he was released later that night. When arriving to the hospital, I knew, but this was not the time to share with him so I had to sit with this alllll. dayyyy. longggg.
Keeping The Secret.
You think waiting on a pregnancy test is nerve-racking, try waiting 11 HOURS to tell your boyfriend this kind of news!
I truly don’t know how I was able to contain myself that entire day. Every moment that we were alone together, I just wanted to blurt it out. Pregnancy gives you some serious willpower… I’ll tell you that! I was so excited and I just wanted to share this with him but had to wait for the right time. Plus, I wanted to do it in a special way.
I had a “get well soon” card for him since he was going through two surgeries and thought, “this could be perfect.”
Maine Can Wait.
This weekend was my birthday weekend so I had booked a solo trip to Maine. Somewhere I have been wanting to visit for plenty of years. Once I knew Tommy was in the hospital, and would need the time to heal over the weekend, the trip was put on hold. Being in his care was the priority. Maine will be there but the time spent with Tommy for his recovery, won’t be. I truly wouldn’t have wanted to spend my birthday any other way!

The time had come that I was finally able to tell Tommy the big news! But how was I going to approach it? The easy part was done, I had the card reveal it but how to execute it… AND be able to record his reaction?!
I left the card by my nightstand so I crawled across the bed with phone in hand to grab it, and I pretended to put on chapstick. I had my bag sitting on the bed so I ruffled through there for a moment, set up my phone against it and said, “oh, I got you a card!”
I wrote a message about him feeling better and on the other side I wrote a cute, little sentence that would refer to us being pregnant. “Your gallbladder might’ve struck out but you gained a little slugger 🙂 .” Tommy loves his baseball so I had to relate it somehow! I put the pregnancy test in there as well so he had a clue to what I was saying.
Little did I realize that his painkillers hadn’t worn off yet… but he seemed JUST FINE to me! Looking back now, maybe he was a tad out of it, lol. Regardless, there was no chance I could sleep on something like this. He might’ve been breathing through the pain, and some tears, but he could not be more thrilled! We were just as happy then as we are now to know we were going to be bringing a beautiful, little, baby into the world.
There has been no part of me throughout this entire experience, from the moment I found out to now sitting here with the due date six days away, that was nervous or upset. I am ready to take on this new chapter with my husband and start our journey with our baby girl, Melanie June 💖
See ya,
Samm 🌻