What Do You Believe Happens After We Die?
This is a question based from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. I think that when you are unsure what to write about, this book is a great guide. I have used this for one other blog (click to read), and plan to use it for more in the future! Hope you guys enjoy these opinion/template based blogs :).
This is absolutely an interesting one… I’ve been asked this question and asked others this question. There are some similar and some very different answers. Of course with a question like this, religion can be a big factor. I, for one am not a religious type of person but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in a religion’s idea of the afterlife. I would have to say I would like to believe in the Hindu/Buddhist way of death, reincarnation.
Reincarnation: the rebirth of a soul in a new body. It just sounds like such a beautiful theory. There is no real way to know if reincarnation is real but it’s nice to believe that it could be. To believe that it’s “lights out” is too dark (no pun intended) for me. To know that there is something waiting for you on the other side provides a happy idea to death, if you can think of it in a “happy” way.
I’ve never been good with death. I don’t have a phobia of it, I can go to wakes and funerals, but not knowing is a scary thought. I know I am not unique for this but just wanted to contribute it to the blog. When I was younger I thought of death a lot. Probably the idea of not knowing what happen to my dad, or where he is gets to me. When I was young, I lost my dad… Death is strange to think about as a young child but I guess I had a reason to wonder so young.
To this day, death is my biggest fear. I want to live and experience, and make the most of my days. I’m the kind of person that likes to travel, explore, learn, and grow. It’s hard to grow when you can’t experience. I have so much on my bucket list, and I’m still adding to it. In case you haven’t read my bucket list yet, here you go! I don’t want death to take that away from me.
Reincarnation seems like a second chance to me, in a way or it could be at least. You are a different person/animal/being. You get to experience in a whole new way. I believe some old features/characteristics carry with you though. But with those preadapted characteristics, you learn new ones! Like in the movie, A Dog’s Purpose, Bailey experiences all new lives with all different people. Having a life, experiencing day by day and eventually gaining a whole new life. Maybe one life isn’t the greatest or happiest but then you can always look forward to the next. That is if reincarnation is a real concept.
You know that “don’t I know you” feeling? Maybe it’s because we know that person from a different life. In this new life we have not met them yet so it’s just a hunch of a previous, unknown encounter. This concept is exciting to me because it encompasses the idea I was mentioning before. My love and interest for learning and doing. I like to believe that I will have an encounter with a being that reminds me of my dad. The closest I got to that was years back when I met a dog that was loose. He got out from his home, and came right to me. The puppy was so loving and interested in me. I like to believe that could’ve been my dad but that wasn’t enough for me, not enough of a sign. Maybe one day I will get the sign that my dad is out there. ♡
What is your idea of the afterlife? Do you believe there is more to it? Maybe you have had an encounter similar, or maybe you just think I’m crazy. Either way, leave me a comment on your opinion!
See ya,
Samm 🙂